11/11 Energy Update

If you read my November energy update a couple of weeks ago, you saw that from 11/1-11/11, we were aligning #divinemasculine & #divinefeminine energies within ourselves. Many people were feeling intense energies, as they shifted through old patterning and dissolved old wounds in themselves and in their family lines.

Today, this cycle is coming to a close. Most people should feel more settled  and peaceful at this time. It’s a good idea to nurture your physical body with a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and hydration. You will be called to rest and support your body to prepare for the next #collectiveintegration. This begins on 11/19 at 3:59am for those of us on the East coast of the US with the full moon rise and the lunar eclipse. This strong energy will affect the Earth grids and you will feel it. Stay grounded!

The energy is needed to support the follow-up collective shift that takes place as the full moon energy closes out on 11/21-11/22. The work we did at the beginning of the month of healing divine masculine/feminine is clearing through the collective and that is aligning the #collectivemasculineenergy with the #collectivefeminineenergy.

This is huge for the perceptions of masculine and feminine within the  #collectiveconsciousness. Stay grounded today and allow yourself to rest. If you are on this Earth at this time, you are part of the #collectivehealing and I am grateful that you are here. Have a beautiful day!

#1111energyupdate #anysiamarcellkiel #allaboutlove #shiftingthematrixwithlove #weareone #divinealignment #mission1112 #galacticfederationoflight  #planetaryhealing

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