On the Earth, things shift through change. Ideas evolve because someone introduces a new concept that upgrades outdated beliefs. Actions shift, as people grow in awareness and adopt new behaviors. All of this change happens through the human experience. We are the orchestrators of evolution and for some of us, it can be challenging.
Energetically to facilitate a change, we bring in something that is opposite of what we are trying to shift. For example, if we are trying to shift anger, we neutralize it with love. Everything is neutralized with the frequency of love, so from an energetic perspective, we can empirically define the two frequencies in the universe as love or “the frequency” and “anti-frequency” or anything other than love.
On a soul-level, many of us incarnated to families, where we would facilitate shifts in thoughts, experiences, and actions. Many of us who were part of this process often felt like we did not fit in; we were never here to fit in. We were and still are here to make things better by shifting the Earth and its inhabitants back to the frequency.

Some people might have been born into family lines of abuse. Though they endured physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, they did not replicate it in their own lives. They broke the chain of energy. That is exactly what they were in that family line to do. If a female was born into a family line of women who were emotionally removed and non-nurturing, yet she chose to be an amazing mother not only mothering her own children but anyone else she met including the mother who could not nurture her, then she did exactly what she needed to. She not only transmuted the energy in the family line, but she healed it, as well.
We have other souls on this Earth that not only transmute energy in their family lines, but also married family lines that needed to be shifted. In doing so, the children from that marriage carry the frequency energy and this ensures that the opposite energy is not replicated any further. These souls are very strong and unwavering in their service to humanity and they parent old souls who are creating massive change on the planet.
The spiritual amnesia process we go through when we incarnate on Earth is necessary, as it supports the transmutation process. We forget we are Divine beings of love and we immerse ourselves in our human experiences. If we knew right away that we had to transmute all this energy of abuse, anger, rejection, and confining beliefs in family lines and in married lines in addition to the collective transmutation we are connected to, we might choose to avoid the contracts we signed on for and that would mean that other people connected to us would do the same. The process is set-up so we transmute what we need to in family lines, marital lines and then we awaken and remember we are unlimited Divine beings of love and we can do anything and everything on this Earth with ease. It is at that point that of awakening that we truly align with the birth blueprint and start our deeper mission work.

Our children are not subject to the spiritual amnesia because they do not have to transmute as much energy in the family lines. They are transmuting more for the matrix and collective energies, so they need to be aware and remember early on their connections to Source. They are born to aware parents that can support and love them, so they can align quickly.

It is never easy to be the bringer of change but the results are profound and beautiful. This Earth is shifting in the most loving way and everyone is part of that change. As family lines evolve all over the world, we align more with frequency and allow it in and all around us. We become beacons of love spreading it everywhere. We recognize our connection to everyone and everything and that there is no real separation; we are one with Source, frequency, and each other. It is beautiful time to be here. You are doing amazing work. Keep shifting and allowing the frequency to fill your life!