The above picture above, demonstrates your soul’s light that radiates beyond your physical form, even though you may not see it. This light is perceived by all who are energetically open to it. Though it might be invisible to some, it can be felt, always. The more imprints you clear in yourself and align with the Divine, the brighter and stronger your light shines. One light might not seem like much.

Two lights together can cast a great deal of brightness and amplify the light of each other. It can be said that two lights uniting become one luminous beacon. When we add more, something amazing happens.

The combined brilliance illuminates everything in a warm glow and we can see things in new ways. Our perceptions change because there is more light to help us see what is real. The true gift of the soul’s radiance is in relation to darkness. When we add light to something dark, it demystifies the unknown. Somehow the beautiful contrast of the darkness helps us see the light more clearly. The darkness is an integral backdrop in the journey of luminosity.

When we have multiple lights shine through darkness, the hand of the Divine clearly reveals itself wide open and ready to assist us.

We realize it has always been there reaching for us, we just had to step out of the darkness to see it. The dark backdrop continually holds a contrasting role of helping us remember we are light. The world is returning to light. Bless the darkness for it is the trajectory that propels your brilliance. Shine brightly, my friends! Always remember who you are and why you are here!
Namaste and much love,
#mission1122 #shiftingthematrixwithlove #weareone #light #wearelight #anysiamarcellKiel #divinelight #starseeds #twinflames #loveisreal #divine #heal #luminous #luminosity