I have written about clairvoyance before in reference to humans opening their third eyes and using their psychic senses to see the truth in things and non-physical energy. Animals can also be clairvoyant and I had a very good reminder of this recently. I don’t usually make house calls but a client of mine brought something to my attention and I knew I needed to make an exception and visit someone’s home.
A client named Linda, came for a session and during that time, she mentioned concerns about her dog, Morgan that would not go into the yard at night. Morgan also had a friend next door a two-year old husky named Milo. He wouldn’t go into the yard at night either but he also refused to leave his patio area. As Linda told me this story, I knew that Milo was having a spirit issue in the yard and I also knew that I needed to visit him at his home and get a better idea of what he was seeing. I asked Linda if I could stop by and meet the dogs and see Milo’s yard. She agreed and we set a time that weekend for me to visit.
I stopped by on Sunday morning, after the gym. When I arrived at Linda’s home, a little Beagle head popped up and through the curtains like a fish line bobber. The dog’s mouth was open and it looked like she was smiling at me. It was the happy face of my new best buddy, Morgan. I met Linda and Morgan in their backyard.
As soon as they exited the house, Morgan danced circles of excitement around me like at little elf. I loved her energy; she was perhaps the happiest dog I had ever met. Then she pranced around the different areas of her yard showing me her favorite spots, while Linda narrated for her. Next, she ran up and down the chain-linked fence barking. Linda said she was calling her buddy, Milo, who lived next door

Within a minute of her barking, a beautiful white husky with crystal blue eyes, peered through his bay window and watched with his tail wagging. His owner, Nannette, let him into the yard and he bounded to the fence. Milo jumped up and let us pet him and I could feel he was an incredibly sensitive animal. He started whining and hoping on his back legs to get over the fence, so he could play with us. I asked his owner if we could come over and she agreed.
We walked into the yard and Milo stayed on the patio staring forward. I looked up and noticed a small blue metal shed with a middle-aged man in spirit standing to the right. I knew Milo could see the man. Morgan and I kept walking forward. “See this is exactly what he does. For the last two months, he won’t walk past the patio. I have to take him on the leash to get him into the yard,” Nannette said.
“Who’s the man in spirit connected to the house that had an alcohol issue?” I asked. Nannette said she did not know because she had only lived there for six years. “He owned the house at one time and is very connected to it. This home is a place of comfort for him,” I said.
Linda said that she remembered him and his name was Ed. She said that he would hide and drink in the shed because his wife did not like him drinking. Ed said that one night when Nannette was throwing the ball to Milo, it landed right next to him and Milo got scared and never went into the yard again. He apologized for scaring Milo. I relayed this information to Linda and Nannette and both women got a better understanding of what had been happening
I told Ed he needed to cross to the spirit world and it was time for him to move on. I explained that there would be people waiting for him there. Just then an elderly woman in spirit appeared to his left; she was his mother. Ed immediately recognized her and the two hugged. She didn’t say a word. I sent both of them in a tunnel of light across the Earth grid to the spirit realm. Then I asked Nannette if she had some sage for smudging. What happened next was just short of amazing.
Nannette lit the sage and I walked through the yard with my wingman, Milo. We smudged the whole yard. Then we smudged the outside of the blue shed. I asked Nannette if we could open the shed and clear the energy. She agreed and noted that she had never opened it in the six years she had lived there. When we pulled the doors back, we found a shed full of Ed’s tools and other belongings. Not only was the home a place of comfort, but Ed still had an energetic connection to the contents in the shed. I walked through the shed with the sage and released all imprints with Milo by my side the whole time.

We had solved the mystery of why Milo would not go into the yard and Milo had helped identify a spirit that needed to cross. A couple of weeks later, I checked in with Linda and it was business as usual for Milo and Morgan. They were back playing and running in their yards. The next time your pet stares at something that seems invisible, take notice. It could be a loved one or lost spirit visiting. Just like humans, some animals are born at a very high frequency and can see and feel spirits. Pay attention to what your pets show you!