Category Archives: New Earth Matrix

What Will 2024 Hold For Humanity?

There are many beautiful things in store for humanity collectively in 2024. What 2024 holds for you individually is up to you and how much you are willing...
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Anchoring Your Frequency

Anchoring Your FrequencyMany of us have been shifting, healing, and releasing things from our family lines. We are projecting more of our souls into this human form; we...
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Hand Chakra Activation For Everyone

Something very special is happening within humanity; people are remembering that they are energetic beings and embracing a 5th dimensional consciousness. This is making a big difference in...
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Aligning Divine Feminine Energy

For centuries, the healed female frequency has been oppressed on this planet. There was a time, when women as mystics & healers were advisors to kings; they were...
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April 2022 – A Month of Centering

Over the past two years, so much has changed on this planet.  Some of our beautiful souls left physical form and more loving vibrational souls have incarnated. People...
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