Yesterday I posted a blog article about stage 1 of #TheGreatAwakening and the new children souls that are coming to the Earth who are #bornawakened, have all their abilities activated, remember #Source immediately, and are pure love. They are part of the process of the awakening that is organized by the #Galacticfederationoflight.
For those of that are involved in this process, we have soul mission work that supports the shifting. The parents and children and families that have been shifting have prepared the Earth frequency to support the birth of these new souls that are coming.
Between yesterday and early this morning I have received so many messages from families that I know, in which other family members are carrying these souls that will be birthed during this time. I am so happy to hear this news because these are #starseedfamilies prepared to support these beautiful souls. They will love, suppprt, nurture, and protect them.
My work of #mission1122 which is #shiftingthemmatrixwithlove through the #starseeds, code 11 and #twinflames, code 22 involves all of these families and their new souls all over the world. For many years on this Earth, children were abused by anti-frequency humans. This affected the development of many of those children and not all of them were able to complete their mission work. We lost some of them to suicide and addiction.
Abuse was a method used by the anti-frequency movement to affect those child souls, so they didn’t do what they came to the Earth to do. It was also meant to block their connection to Source especially in cases where the victimizer was a person from a religious organization. This is exceptionally calculating because it was meant to make the child soul associate connection to God or Source as something dark.
These new souls will continue the ground work that is in place and they will hold tremendous love on the planet, which will support and sustain the longevity of the planet and its inhabitants. It is a time of healing as the Earth shifts back to love. If you have one of more of these souls coming to your family, know that this is a beautiful time for everyone in your family line.
I am grateful to all the #starseeds, #lightworkers, & #truthers who are doing their mission work on Earth and supporting this awakening. This is an amazing time to be on the Earth! ❤️