Clearing the Old & Making Way for the New

In healing, we are constantly clearing old patterns, beliefs, and experiences to make way for new patterns, beliefs, and experiences. This process is essential for life on Earth not only for humans but also for other living species. When a soul is born, it is loved, fed, stimulated emotionally, and nurtured. The body & mind grow and as this happens, more of the soul’s energy aligns in the physical form or body.

If the environment becomes stagnant and the living being is not supported, it cannot thrive; its growth becomes stunted. This affects not only physicality but also emotional and spiritual development. The new home that I bought two years ago, has a beautiful yard just under a half acre. Yet, it had not been cared for and nurtured for over a decade. As a result, everything was overgrown and crowded. Plants were competing with each other for food and sunlight and many were diseased or starved. I spent all of last year clearing out diseased trees and plants and cutting things back to help support new growth.

This summer, everything flourished. All the cherry trees yielded fruit; we had cherries for months. I picked them each day with my dogs and I made juice. It wasn’t long before the birds caught on to the feast and we had to share all the cherries lining the tree canopy with cardinals, bluejays, sparrows, and finches but we all got our fair share. It was rewarding to see how clearing the dead and decayed plant matter helped make room for all the new growth.

The same thing happened with the nut trees. We have about twelve, 50-75 foot white oak trees and a couple of hickory trees. Last year, the trees produced very few nuts. This year, the hickory trees are filled and the squirrels are enjoying them, while they also gather all the acorns to prepare for winter.

To heal, we have to take a look at what is weighing us down and causing disease. We must consciously choose to release it and let go. As we do this, we create space in our energy fields for more of our soul frequency also known as the higher self, to align in our human forms. This is a different type of growth–not physical; it is energetic growth & expansion of the soul in this body–more of our consciousness aligns.

I am happy to see that helping the plants grow is also supporting the growth and development of all the life forms around us not just in my yard; it demonstrates how connected we all are in the web or energetic matrix of life. More plant growing in my yard attracts more pollinators and other life forms to my yard and the neighborhood and the community. In making one change, things are healing and more life is aligning. What was once dying and lacking energy is now filled with life & energy.

After clearing the backyard, I planted new, healthy trees and plants. Half of the backyard is an annual vegetable garden, with perennial herb garden, and edible shrub and tree garden comprised of beach plums, apples, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Now that the growth is being nurtured and everything is growing, I am able to sit in the gardens and work on my book. The rhododendron garden is one of my favorite spots to sit and create. Willow and Skye love it, too and usually rest in the cedar mulch, while I write.

Healing is a choice. We can choose to do the work and release the old, which will allow for more consciousness to align within us or we can choose to stay stuck and manifest disease. My clients are the souls who choose to do the work and keep pushing forward to align more of their souls in their bodies and help facilitate the healing frequency on this planet. What will you choose for yourself? It’s up to you! Always remember who you are and why you are here!

Namaste and much love,


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