On the Earth, there is an energy matrix that is comprised of the collective frequency of its inhabitants. This is different from the Earth’s elemental grids that I have mentioned in the past. The Earth matrix is the field that ties everyone to the human experience. It is based on the collective energy of consciousness. It is literally made up of many different energy lines intersecting in a matrix or field of energy that looks like a translucent web. It resembles a large spider web, which encompasses the entire Earth. Currently, the matrix is low on Source energy or the vibration of unconditional love. For some souls and beings on the Earth, this is beneficial because it holds the collective frequency to a point where they can exist at a certain frequency and have a home but it also keep the inhabitants on the Earth somewhat disconnected from Source.
For many of us, the Earth matrix is bonded to our energy in our family lines through beliefs, rituals, and things we are taught by our relatives. Some of us are transmuting the energy of the family lines, and consequently, we grew up in families that didn’t understand us or we were different from everyone else and didn’t fit in. We are part of the change in those lines in the beliefs, actions, and systems and shifting the frequency of the matrix.
If we are not aware, we can be deeply affected by the matrix or collective field and it can affect our choices in an almost robotic way. An example of this is seen with a person that sits in front of the television all day listening and watching the same news channel over and over and is allowing that energy to control his thought process. Now, he is in a constant state of fear or anger or whatever other programming he is connecting to through that frequency of the collective. This can happen with a person who listens to violent music about abusing others and that person chooses to now harm someone. The connections to this field are subtle through sound waves of what we listen to, through our vision of what movies and things we watch, through our words and language of the things we say, and through our feelings of what we experience. As long as we stay connected to the frequency of this field, it has a hold on our energy and how we think and act.
We hear about ascension and ascending on the Earth plane. This is a misconception. We are already ascended by virtue of our soul frequencies. We are Divine beings of light created from the Source of all that is in the universe. We are not here to ascend. We are here to bring the frequency of Source to the planet and shift the collective field to a loving vibration, hence the concept of a “new Earth.” It is the same planet but we are shifting the matrix to a loving frequency and when this happens all the inhabitants connected the matrix will be part of that shift. Always remember who you are and why you are here!
We create this shift by disconnecting from the frequency of the matrix and connecting to the Divine grid of unconditional love. In daily life, we need to choose to turn of social media, television, radio programs and any other devices that are reinforcing the matrix energy. We consciously choose love in all areas of our lives. We listen to words, songs, and sounds that convey love. We watch movies or programs or videos on our computers that illicit a loving response in us. We see everyone and everything through the eyes of the soul and realize we are on this Earth to hold loving energy. We do all things with love whether it is helping someone, eating healthy foods and loving ourselves, giving time and energy to someone in need, caring for someone, and making love the primary focus in all of our thoughts.
If every person shifted to the frequency of love, the darkness or areas that need healing would be exposed and all sections of the Earth’s matrix would shift dramatically. We are seeing this shift now with the sexual abuse of others. These areas are being brought to light and consciousness is shifting across the world. This type of shift has to happen in all of the lines of the matrix especially the primary ones. We do this by holding love on the Earth. When we hold the frequency of love, we create a different frequency within the matrix and people can connect to that energy, as the matrix shifts or they will leave the Earth.
Below is a brief exercise consciously connecting to Source and emitting the frequency of love. Everyone is connected to Source at all times but they are not always seeing it, feeling it, or experiencing it. If every person would do an exercise of consciously choosing the frequency of love, we would shift the matrix at an amazing rate. Hold love in your hearts and send it out to the Earth and together we will return the Earth to love!
Exercise – Connecting to Source Love and Holding it on the Earth
- Close Your Eyes
- Place Your Hands Over Your Heart Chakra
- Using your mind, consciously choose to connect to the energy of Source (you may feel your energy being pulled upward or you may feel lightheaded and ungrounded)
- Allow the loving vibration of Source to envelope your entire field. Spend a moment feeling this energy.
- Next, using your mind, say, “I choose to disconnect fully, totally, and completely from the distortions. (You might feel a lot of physical sensations as you say these words to yourself. You are safe and loved at all times)
- Next, say to yourself, “I choose to hold and experience love at all times on the Earth and I choose to be infuse love in the collective.”
- See the love radiating from your heart chakra and envision that love encompassing the entire Earth. Choose to send love to the Earth for the collective highest intentions of all inhabitants. Spend a few moments doing this.
- Next, place your hands on the tops of your legs and choose to ground yourself by saying the following words, “I ground myself fully, totally, and completely now!
- When you are ready, open your eyes and enjoy the loving frequency in your life.