Energy Transition In October

This month we have a very intense shift happening between the time of retrograde, which runs though 10/17 to the full moon in its height on 10/20 at 10:57am EDT to 10/23.  There are some things you may be experiencing that are related to what you are clearing personally and helping release from the collective conscious.  You may be feeling emotional and crying easily.  This can be related to the layers of your ego that you are releasing; we refer to this as an ego death.  It happens when we shed an old part of ourselves that is no longer a fit for our current reality.  It may involve a traumatized, fearful, or weaker version of who you once were before you healed that aspect of your energy.  

In addition, there is a lot of fear clearing, so you may have a current trigger that is bringing you back to an old wound involving your safety and security.  It may be financial, health-related, abandonment, or any other deep-rooted fear.  The current situation is causing you to feel the old wound and work through it.  You are being called to transcend your fears.  In doing so, this will shift your frequency and it will also release fear from the collective and help shift the collective frequency. 

Physically, as you shift, you may feel tired.  This is because as you release energetic imprints and blockages, more of your soul aligns in your body and your body has to adapt to the change in frequency.  When you rest and relax, everything re-aligns and calibrates. 

When we shift, our lives change.  Our relationships may align to meet our frequency or they may dissolve if they are no longer a vibrational match.  This is true for love relationships, friendships, and business partnerships.  We bless everyone for the experiences and we let go and allow frequency-aligned relationships to shift into our lives.  We don’t force anything.  We set our intentions, stay-centered, and allow things to materialize.  Keep letting go of the old and trusting and allowing the new! Everyone is doing great.  Extend love from your heart chakra to everyone and everything!  Always remember who you are and why you are here!  
Namaste and much love,

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