Some of us are feeling heaviness in our #heartchakras. You may be sensing what is clearing, so you can open more to the #frequencyofSource. As the planet shifts, in #thegreatawakening, more #love or #frequency is coming through #theearthgrids and those of us who are open to shifting are feeling old energy and imprints clearing and lifting from our Hearst chakras and and other places such as the #solarplexus, if you have #selfworth issues clearing out. As these things clear out, more Source frequency flows into your field and you project that love put to everyone and everything you encounter, thus helping the awakening process of the planet. You can aid this shifting but doing the following exercise:
- Place your hands over your heart chakra and bring your awareness there.
- As you connect with this energy, choose to consciously clear and release all blockage to the frequency of love. You may feel energy shift in this area and other parts of your physical body. Allow it all and know you are creating space for more love.
- Next, consciously choose to be filled with the frequency of Source. Frequency and anti-frequency (the opposite of love) are choices. You have free will and the Universe will support whatever you choose for yourself. Choose an abundant flow of love to fill your body and energy field.
- Next place your hands on your legs and say the following: “I ground myself fully, totally and completely now in the frequency of love.” You may need to rest a few minutes to allow the grounding. Know that you are loved and supported by all the love in the #Universe. You are never alone. The #Galacticfederationoflight is always supporting those souls that choose the frequency of love! Always remember who you are and why you are here! Namaste and much love to you always! –
#mission1122 #anysiamarcellkiel #shiftingthematrixwithlove #allaboutlove #commandersoltec #ashtarcommand #starseeds #weareone #thefrequency #beyoursoul #healingtheplanet #healingcoronavirus