The full moon is an excellent time to clear and release what no longer serves us. The moon’s energy affects the gravity of the Earth, creating openings in the energetic grids, which allows an influx of high frequency energy. This energy can be used to help us upgrade our own fields.
As we are allowing this energy in through our crown chakras, anything that is not aligned with the new frequency, will be drawn out from the chakras and pushed into the outer layers of the aura. When the full moon draws to a close to change cycles, it pulls the cleared energy upward and then the grids return to the normal frequency. Because energy follows intention and we are always in charge of our own fields, this is an excellent time for us to clear.
Here are some steps to get the most out of the shift during the full moon:
- Spend some time getting centered
- Write a list of what you want to clear or you may also write a list of things you want more clarity on
- Sit quietly. Ask your spirit team to come forward and go within
- Stay focused and just listen with your soul
- Everything will come to you, if you get your fears out of the way and trust that you can heal yourself.
- Let everything go and let the energy flow
Namaste and Happy Clearing,