February 2023 – Staying Centered In Your Frequency

Keeping with the theme of 2023 being a year for higher self alignment and self empowerment, February ushers in a strong wave of energy. It kicks off with the full moon on 2/5/23. As we shift gears to be in 5D at all times, we embrace not only the energetic and spiritual components in ourselves but also in those around us. 

For many of us, we will deeply sense the connection to all beings. We can no longer ignore our spiritual and energetic ties to all of creation.  This month we are working on staying centered in our higher self frequency. As we do  this, we will notice distortion within ourselves and also distortions going on in our environments.

As we stay in our vibrations, this will allow us to change things in our environments that need to be healed. Centeredness and frequency consistency begin inward and radiate outward. Once they are radiated outward, they are reflected back to us through our environments & relationships. The more we can stay centered, the more we will realize the distractions in our lives and distortions we are carrying in our fields. 

As we heal these things within ourselves, we are healing them in the collective consciousness. We are making the world a better place by contributing healed energy fields to the collective field. It is a great time of healing this year. Thank you for being with me on this Earth at this time. Always remember who you are and why you are here! 
Namaste and much love,


#mission1122 #anysiamarcellkiel #shiftingthematrixwithlove #galacticfederationoflight #weareone #rememberyouarelove #planetaryhealing #allaboutlove #2022 #returningtolove  #thephoenix starseeds # galacticfederationoflight  #transmutingenergy #changingenergyinfamilylines #weareone #allaboutlove #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #yinyang #collectiveconscious #twinflames #mirrorsouls #Sourcefrequency #abundancemanifesting #divine

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