2020 is filled with tremendous change all over the Earth. Much of that change is led by the starseeds and twin flames that are shifting the matrix with the vibration of unconditional love. The matrix is the collective frequency of the Earth and the inhabitants. Currently, it is very low on love. By bringing the energy of love to the planet and holding it here, there is a shift for the inhabitants of the planet, as well the Earth. The shift ensures the future of this planet.
In the Universe, there is the frequency, which is the vibration of unconditional love and there is anti-frequency, which is anything other than love. In the beginning, we were all frequency but some of the souls wanted to experience the opposite of love, so they incarnated to experience anti-frequency. Unfortunately, they got stuck in it and forgot that under all of it, they were love. They chose to stay in anti-frequency and thus the darkness was born.
Our hope is that everyone remembers they are love, and returns back to frequency, but in the Universe there is free-will and no one is forced, so there is a galactic process of returning the Earth back to frequency through the aid of the starseeds and twin flame souls that are sent here from various galactic territories. All of their regions have evolved past the things we experience on the Earth including violence, hatred, evil, abuse, and manipulation. Their civilizations have existed for millions of years and are benevolent societies, so those souls are sent here with various missions to transmute energy in family lines and on the Earth, while brining more frequency to support the Earth.
On days were we have a combination of 11 and 22 (11 is the numeric code for starseeds and 22 is the numeric code for twin flames) there is an influx of frequency energy sent to the Earth through the various grids of the planetary regions to support the missions on Earth. On these days, the starseeds and twinflames receive an energetic upgrade to help facilitate the work they are doing.
During these days, the people receiving the upgrades will feel tired and maybe ungrounded because their physical bodies are adapting to the energy. It is important to rest, ground, and drink water – all of which will help the frequency assimilate in the physical body. Starseeds and twin flames are already ascended, as they are souls from highly evolved civilizations. They descend to the Earth and as they transmute karma and energy, the human part of them heals and awakens to their missions. There is no ascension process. There is only an awakening for the human-self and alignment with the soul and mission.
Despite how many ego-based people we encounter of the Earth, we are all here to serve others in some way, as it is coded in the birth blueprint for each soul. When we transmute what we need to transmute and release what we need to release, we align with the blueprint and do what we came here to do. You are never really learning but rather remembering. Everything you need to know is already encoded in your soul. The soul is never healing, it is the human-self that is healing, and then it align with the frequency of soul.
This decade will be an amazing time of shifting to love and the best way you can aid in the process of that is to clear what you need to clear in your own field, so you can be a conduit for the frequency or love. The more love you hold, the more you can assist with the changes. Always remember who you are and why you are here!
#birthblueprint #shiftingthematrixwithlove #allaboutlove #mission1122 #galacticfederationoflight #weareone #thefrequency #planetaryhealing