Full Moon Energy Swirling

Many people are feeling the energy of this full moon driving emotions and imprints to the surface. The result can be an emotional tornado sending you in a tailspin, if you don’t stay centered. As we shift consciousness, all things that no longer fit into our belief systems are pulled out of our energy fields and transmuted. As these thing things are being pulled to the surface, they are passing through the emotional layer of the aura and we are feeling the emotions connected to the experiences.

In addition to what we are clearing in our own fields, those of us who work in the Earth grids are also clearing for the collective. This means we might feel energy from our family lines, demographic energy clearing from where we live or collective contract energy such as clearing of abuse, manipulation and other things that the collective consciousness is releasing. Below is an exercise to help you stay centered during the next few days. Happy healing, my friends.



Staying Centered During A Time of Clearing:

What you will need for this exercise – your mind and a place outdoors

As with all exercises, energy follows intention. All you have to do is intend and the energy flows. You have the tools within you.

  1. Stand outside with your feet pressed against the Earth
  2. Feel the energy of the Earth under your feet and choose to connect to it
  3. Raise your arms out to the side with your palms facing upward.
  4. Choose to allow the flow of energy releasing. Be grateful for the ability to clear things from your field.
  5. Next focus your energy on your feet. Choose to align with the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field.
  6. Choose to root yourself in that vibration and ground yourself firmly in it.

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