Healing Energy Update 12/1/2021

Healing Energy Update For December 2021

December is a continuation of the great healing work and blueprinting most humans have been implementing all of the Earth. There are tremendous shifts in the planetary grids helping us usher out old patterns and concepts.  The shifting kicks in on 12/1-12/2.  Many people will be experiencing interrupted sleep patterns, as their deep rooted fears surface.  During this time, it is important to stay centered, so you able to discern what is surfacing.  Physically, people will be clearing from the crown to throat chakra.  There may be sinus, throat, and ear issues manifesting as congestion and inflammation.

In December, collectively, we will be clearing blockages to the frequency, so fears blocking love are bubbling up.  Many people will experience bouts of sadness and heaviness in the heart chakra.  Choose to acknowledge these old imprints and let them go.  When we let go of this energy in our own fields, we also release it from the matrix or collective field.  The creates space for more loving frequency from the higher self to align in your human form.  That energy funnels through the collective as we support the shifting of the matrix with the frequency of love also know as Mission 1122. 

From 12/4 -12/5 we have the solar eclipse energy, which will radiate through the elemental grids system helping things clear out from the collective. This eclipse energy is more intense than that of last month as it helps lift more deeply rooted fears for transmutation.  The following weekend on 12/11 and 12/12, we have an additional alignment of sense of true self and acceptance.  This is a beautiful shift for humanity.  When we are accepting of ourselves, we are accepting of the souls we see around us.  Our perceptions are shifting as we see with loving eyes.  There will be an emotional clearing at this time.  Pay close attention to the sacral chakra. Balance it daily!

On 12/21, we have a special day not only because it is the winter solstice but it is the biggest energy day for those souls involved in the transmutation process of mission 1122.  The energy will be amplified on this day and we will feel the currents of the new blueprinting for 2022 anchoring in our fields.  During this time, through 12/26, stay grounded and well rested as your physical bodies adapt to the energetic upgrading.

The last few days of the month from 12/26-12/31, we will be resolving personal imprints in the way of us moving deeper into our work in 2022.  Follow your intuition at this time.  Trust your journey and what you are guided to do for yourself.  Your soul knows the way.  Have a beautiful month of healing and thank you for being on the Earth at this time.   Always remember who you are and why you are here! 

Namaste and much love,


#mission1122 #anysiamarcellkiel #shiftingthematrixwithlove #galacticfederationoflight #weareone #rememberyouarelove #planetaryhealing #allaboutlove #2021 #returningtolove  #thephoenix #commanderSoltec #transmutingenergy #changingenergyinfamilylines #weareone #allaboutlove #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #yinyang #collectiveconscious #twinflames #mirrorsouls

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