As we shift through the Coronavirus Pandemic, we are called to pause and reevaluate all aspects of our lives. We are simplifying and seeing the world in a whole new light. This process of “slowing down” and halting is providing an opportunity for viewing things with awareness. When we are busy with our lives, we can only see what is right in front of us but during this time, we are seeing the bigger picture and how we are contributing to that experience.
As we look around, we see areas of darkness on this planet. We see people who are not coming from a place of love. There are people in all walks of life that are ruled by ego and disconnected from others, though their energies are contributing to the matrix or collective frequency of the whole on the Earth. They are not living with awareness of how they are energetically connected to others; they see only the physical aspects of life.
Some of us understand the energetic and spiritual aspects of life on Earth but we are not always aware of how our choices have affected and still are affecting the collective energy on the planet. Everything we do affects the planet and inhabitants because we are connected in a collective web or field of energy. When we listen to songs about harming others, we are allowing our energies to connect to something other than love. When we watch movies that are graphically violent involving abuse of others, we are allowing our fields to be connected to that frequency. Looking the other way and doing nothing is contributing to the darkness. Passive allowance is acceptance of the energy. We are called to live at a deeper level of awareness to help shift the energy of the collective. The darkness on the planet has existed because we as a species have allowed these things to occur either by passive allowance or by active participation.
The Earth is in a state of depletion of natural resources because we have allowed ourselves to consume products that harm this planet. We have allowed waste products to pollute our waters. We utilize plastics regularly that harm animals and can’t be biodegraded. We are responsible for the problems and we are responsible for the change. If you do not hold yourself accountable for the state of affairs on the Earth, you will not see yourself as an empowered being to create the change and thus you will not actively aid in making things better.
One person can change his life by choosing love in all areas: what he eats, what he watches or sees, what he hears, how he interacts with others, and how he interacts with the planet. If everyone would live with this awareness in their lives, we would change the frequency of the whole planet and it would be a loving place for all.
You can change the energy by choosing love in all areas of your life. Choose thoughts of love and send love to the Earth’s elemental grids daily! Those who live in darkness are rooted in a belief that love is a false ideal. Their realities are experienced in absence of love by blockages to the frequency, which they choose to manifest. Send love through the collective to neutralize this thought. As you send it from your heart say, “There is love. I am love and I send it to everyone and everything for their highest intentions.” You can make a difference; your choices matter. I all begins with you. Always remember who you are and why you are here!
#healingtheplanet #mission1122, #shiftingthematrixwithlove, #allaboutlove, #anysiamarcellkiel, #returntolove, #weareone