Many things are shifting on the Earth and it is because the humans are awakening to a new way of life. Old paradigms that were quietly accepted norms, such as sexual abuse, racism, sexism, abuse of perceived power, and oppression in our species are being dissolved through awareness and love.

When things seem like they are breaking, it is because a transformation is happening and something new is growing in its place. Humanity is healing and collectively evolving; it is fantastic! We are changing ourselves and the beliefs that confined us and manifested on the planet. We are creating a better world, one where love unites us all. We are one species regardless of the bodies that house our souls.
I invite you to spend some time in nature either in a park or in your yard, if you have one. Observe the various species that coexist. You may see a rabbits nibbling plant leaves, squirrels scampering, birds gathering nesting grass, butterflies sipping floral nectar, and pollen-covered bees moving in and out of flowers. They are all different species, yet they exist in harmony.
Humans are one species, but we have been conditioned to act as divided sectors. This is an illusion manipulated by those who wish to control. In order to live as a benevolent species, we need to unite in the frequency of love. We have to consciously abandon the collective belief that we are here to serve ourselves and we need to deeply understand that we are all connected to everyone and everything at all times.
When we change this for ourselves, we shift our connection to the collective and that raises the frequency on the planet. Change begins with you. It starts with awareness and love and then it keeps spreading in the most beautiful way. Old wounds heal, people unite, and we remember that we are united in the frequency of love. Always remember who you are & why you are here!

#Allaboutlove, #weareone #humanityhealing, #mission1122, #shiftingthematrixwithlove, #anysiamarcellkiel #justbelove #wearelove #healingtheplanet