Many of us have been feeling our energies dramatically shift this month. We are experiencing a change on the Earth and what is happening affects us individually and collectively. This May is a gateway to something bigger happening in the universe and it is all for our highest good.
Some of us have been going through a very emotional time where we are purging old emotions and experiences from our fields. This can be challenging because as these things are being pulled upward from our fields to be transmuted, they are clearing throughout the emotional layer of the aura and it can feel like the things are happening now. But these things are issues from the past that are being triggered by current situations. It’s very important at this time to stay centered, so we can discern the difference between what is a current experience and what is a past one being triggered by a current situation.
As we move through this process and clear things out, we are making room for a new frequency to enter our physical bodies. Some of us may experience this clearing in a big way through what is know as the dark night of the soul. This term is used to describe a massive purging of old energy stored in the field and it involves the shedding of layers of the ego in ego deaths.
As this time, we feel very sad like a part of us is dying. In an ego death, the layer of the ego that no longer serves you is pulled away from your field and transmuted. As it is being pulled from your field, all the energy associated with it including memories, beliefs, emotions, etc are drawn upward. Again, as this happens, it hits the emotional layer of the aura and you feel all the emotions attached to everything clearing. It can be overwhelming. You have to let it shed and release it all, so you can make way for the new frequency. You will cry and feel sad; you are ok and you are loved. This is all part of your personal healing journey. When it passes, you will feel peaceful and relaxed. You will be a different version of yourself. The purpose of shedding the layers of the ego is to unveil the soul and be who we came to this Earth to be.
The reason why many of us are feeling this way at this time is because the Earth is going through a massive shift, as well. The veil between darkness and light is lifting due to an awakening of the human race. Because we are all on this Earth, our energies are directly tied to it, so when we shift upward, the Earth shifts upward, too. As this happens, new energy from Source comes to the Earth and anything that is not in line with that frequency, gets pushed to the Earth’s surface. This means there is more light and so the darkness is more visible and apparent. It is not that there is tremendous darkness on the Earth but rather, we are finally able to see all the darkness because we are casting light upon it. Darkness exists because we allow it and hold it here. By shifting upward, we force it to clear out.
Our energies are directly connected to this planet. As we clear and release old wounds and fears, the Earth shifts and releases old frequencies tied to our energies. This is a tremendous time of clearing, healing, and shifting. Allow yourself to transform in the energy of love! When you see darkness, emit all the love in your heart. The way to transformation is through the energy of Source–the frequency of unconditional love. Let it fill you and radiate from your field. Know that you are always connected to everyone and everything. You are never alone and you are always loved.
Namaste and much love,