Sometimes people come to the office and talk about the tools they need for their ascension process. This leads to a different discussion about the process of awakening. We are not working from the bottom and going upward. We are working from the top down and then aligning everything in the frequency. There is no ascension process; it’s an awakening.
Each soul on the Earth, has his own journey honoring karma, soul agreements, experiences, and transmutations of energy. We are not humans; we are souls in human bodies experiencing life on Earth. All souls are comprised of Divine loving energy. Our souls are already ascended by their loving frequencies. Our souls descended to the Earth, which means that we shifted our frequencies, so we could vibrate at a rate that was in line with the collective energy of the Earth and its inhabitants.
There is a spiritual amnesia process, required by most souls, so they can honor agreements, clear karma, and neutralize energy in the planet. This experience allows us to partake in all the experiences that we need to do the work we came to do. Once we clear those experiences, we embark on the awakening process – which is one of remembering who we are as souls.
During this awakening process, we heal the human scars we carry, we clear imprints, and we align with our birth blueprints and higher selves. In doing so, we shift to our Divine frequency. We begin to see all experiences from a soul perspective. We transmute the human ego and integrate it with love and we remember that we are one with Source and all that is. Our energetic tools are accessible and we remember that we can heal all aspects of our energy fields. We are not limited by the confines of the human experience or our human bodies. We are the embodiment of love.
The concept of ascension in an Earth-bound, one, which leads people to believe that have to climb an invisible spiritual staircase, to connect with the Divine. When we awaken, we remember that we are Divine, we are Source and Source is one with us and everyone at all times. Don’t be afraid to continue your awakening journey. Know that you are loved and supported at all times by Source and everyone and everything. Always remember who you are and why you are here.