Many paradigms within the collective consciousness are shifting right now and it may seem like each day more chaos is coming to light. It can be hard to stay centered and focused, if we look outside ourselves and attach to all that is clearing in the collective. But if we keep the focus on the inner lens, we can work on our triggers and heal the imprints that are not only holding us back from a truly fantastic life but these imprints are also holding us to the chaos within the collective. As we clear them within ourselves, we lighten the clutter within the collective.
When we clear our own energy fields of old paradigms and imprint and transmute whatever distortions we need to correct in our family lines, we follow the paths of our souls and we chart new paradigm paths for those that come after us in our family lines. These are my people; they are the blueprinters of the Earth brining in new patterns and beliefs to help humanity and the Earth’s inhabitants move forward in the new frequencies.
It’s never easy being the change but this is all part of the soul plans for the blueprinters. Many of them had karma to clear and energy to transmute in their birth families as well as marriages and unions and many are now aligning with their soul groups and soul missions.
If you are a blueprinter here to lead change, you will feel it deep within your soul but you will not lead anyone, until you have led your own ego to be dismantled and allowed your soul to be in charge of this incarnation. If you live in clutter, which is static chaos, you cannot move forward. You must clear the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual chaos from your field. This is achieved by going within and letting go at the deepest level.
When you let go, you will find the Divine self, where your soul and Source are one. This is the creation point and once your reach it, you have mastered the ego self. As you master staying centered in this Source and soul creation point, which we also refer to as zero-point, you can navigate all frequencies with ease. Now, you will be ready to lead. Shine brightly, my friends! Always remember who you are and why you are here!
Namaste and much love,
#mission1122 #anysiamarcellkiel #shiftingthematrixwithlove #galacticfederationoflight #weareone #rememberyouarelove #planetaryhealing #allaboutlove #2025 #returningtolove #thephoenix #lettherebelight #transmutingenergy #changingenergyinfamilylines #divine #allaboutlove #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #yinyang #collectiveconscious #twinflames #mirrorsouls #vibrationalcurrency #Sourcefrequency #abundancemanifesting #divinecreation #soulblueprints #healingjourney #zeropoint #leadbyexample