We talk about karma and soul agreements in this incarnation. We clear and heal through what we need to and as we do, we shift our frequencies. The more we clear, the more love, we embody. In addition to what we clear in our own fields, as we heal, we are helping heal the collective experiences, as well.
We are connected to experiences in our own family lines but those experiences are connected to the collective energy on the planet. For example, if you experienced abuse in your life, you are not only connected to abuse on a personal level but you are also connected to all the people that have experienced abuse in their experiences. You know what it is like; you can relate to them; you can have compassion for their situations. Your personal experience of healing through the situation aids in the collective healing of the experience for all. As you heal yourself, then you can help others heal.
Sometimes we try to help others before we do our own personal healing work. You can only help others, as much as you can help yourself. If you have not worked through your own imprints and scars, you will experience limitations and triggers, as you try to help others work through similar experiences to your own. But if you do your own work first, you can be a clear conduit for loving energy and can be of service to everyone you come across that needs to heal.
If you were adopted as a child and carry imprints of unworthiness or any other wounding from it, you have your own healing and then you are connected to all the people in the world who were put up for adoption. You know what they have been through and you are connected to that collective thread because you are part of healing its wounds. You may even have soul mission work that involves helping children in their lives.
We chose these experiences as part of our karma and soul agreements. As we clear our energy, we lift our fields and we lift the threads we are connected to in the collective web. We continue to send healing to those threads to help support all those people connected to it, so they heal and shift their frequencies. Keep doing your own personal work because you are working for yourself and all those souls connected to you in a collective way! Always remember who you are and why you are here!
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