We are experiencing change all over the Earth. The Coronavirus Pandemic serves as part of stage 1 of what we call The Great Awakening of the Earth. This is a process of the shifting the collective frequency of the Earth and the inhabitants and returning the frequency to love. Regardless of what the anti-frequency creates in the form of a pandemic or any other global issue, the Universe always responds with a way to neutralize it & support a collective shift.
As everyone is in quarantine, things are changing and the planet is being shut down and rebooted like a giant computer. When everyone comes back online, the entire world will have been upgraded energetically & spiritually.
There are people that are leaving this Earth through the pandemic. These are soul agreements and this is how these souls agreed to exit their physical bodies and leave the Earth. New souls will be sent to this planet, as a result of the mass exodus. These new souls are very special because they are not subject to the spiritual amnesia process and they are born of a deeply loving frequency, which they will retain throughout their lives on Earth. They are coming to the Earth at this time, because the shifting is able to support their energetic frequencies. As the planet shifts, more of these special souls will join us here and they will be part of the beautiful changes of returning the Earth back to love.
During this time, work on loving yourself. Do special things to send yourself loving energy by meditating, aligning your field, and nurturing your physical body. It a beautiful time to be on this Earth. This is the greatest change that the planet has ever seen and we are all part of it. Always remember who you are and why you are here!
Namaste and much love to all of you,