2020 has been a crazy year for the world but it has also been one of great transformation. When things seem like they are falling apart, if we take a step back, we can see there is a huge shift taking place. The old Earth is crumbling and a new one is emerging in its place. Earth will be a place of love and kindness where everyone matters. Children will be loved and supported, so they can do what they incarnated to do for this Earth. All races will be integrated rather than ostracized and we will remember that we are all one in the frequency of love. Abuse in all forms will be replaced with acceptance and love. We will unite as a species and all the divides between us will dissolve.
The collective frequency will be one of love–the true energy of every soul. When we reboot ourselves and come back online, we will be different; we will be living in awareness. This is not utopia; this is the reality and we are manifesting it collectively. The darkness has been seen through the awakening process and people are changing because of it. The matrix or collective field of the Earth and its inhabitants is changing and it is our energy, our choices, and our actions that are creating the shift. The Universe is supporting all of this shifting and aiding the longevity of our planet. We are never alone and we are always loved. Always remember who you are and why you are here!
#rememberingwearelove #allaboutlove #planetaryhealing, #mission1122 #shiftingthematrixwithlove #anysiamarcellkiel #rememberwhoyouare #galacticfederationoflight