September brings a lot of shifting opportunities for the Earth and the inhabitants. It began in the beginning of the month with the coordinates of the grids opening on 9/9/19. When we see repeating digits in dates, it is calling our human attention to the shift of energy that is available to us, at that time. Repeating digits in the date sequence show the opening of grids or fields on the Earth. The repeating digits are a sort of key in the grid system and when combined, they create an opening in the energy fields.
We had another big shift during the full moon on the 13th of the month. The energy of the full moon affects the Earth’s elemental grid fields and opens them more than they are usually open. This allows energy to flow to the Earth and from the Earth more freely, thus offering us an opportunity to clear and release what no longer serves us. It is an excellent opportunity to set intentions for what you choose to manifest in your life and to let go of anything blocking it.
Today, 9/19/19, we have another day in the same month of repeating digits just as we did on 9/9/19. Today is the day to solidify all the things you put into place on 9/9/19. It is a day for bringing it all together. The repeating digits of the 1 and 9, let us know that the grids are open today and more energy is shifting. It is a time for manifesting everything. Take time today to center yourself and be clear with your words, actions, and intentions! Stay present in your frequency and be conscious of remaining in your frequency all day; don’t get pulled into the vibration of others or drawn into drama! Stay focused on what you want for yourself and your life and use your energy to create it! It is a beautiful day, if you use the energy available to you!
Toward the latter part of the month on 9/28/19, we have a truly special day, where the Pleiadian grid opens and floods energy from the Pleiadian galactic region to the Earth. The Pleiadian grid is always connected to the Pleiades on the Earth, which are human beings that have origins to the Pleiades. During the grid opening on 9/28/19, the energy from the Pleiades is available to all the Earth inhabitants. The Pleiades are bringing the energy of Divine unconditional love. This is collective frequency of their region.
When the grid opens, there will an energetic bridge between the Pleiadian region and the Earth. As this bridge or grid is connected, the Earth will be flooded with unconditionally loving energy. This energy is deficient on the Earth at this time, so the Pleiadians are there to help fill the deficiency. The energy is available to everyone regardless of whether or not you are a Pleiadian soul.
Grid openings are provided by all the different galactic regions throughout the universe, as part off the galactic council agreement to support the shifting of the Earth’s vibration. I encourage you to set some time on 9/28 to center in the frequency of love. Allow it to envelope your field and let it transmute anything that is in the way of you living a totally loving life.
September is a beautiful month for us on Earth. There are many opportunities to upgrade and shift our fields, as well as aid in the shifting of the planet. We are always supported on this Earth by Source and everyone in the universe. Allow yourselves to vibrate in the frequency of love and do what you came to the Earth to do!