In general, there are 12 full moon phases in a calendar year. This means we have 12 opportunities to upgrade our energy fields over the course of a year. We may not always be aware of the shifting in our fields due to Earth-bound issues holding us back or the fact that we often get stuck in human frequencies and forget that we are souls having human experiences. But our spirit teams and the Divine always know what we need and will helps us in that process, when we are ready. Timing is non-linear and occurs when things align in Divine order. Even when we are not aware of what is aligning, we are shifting as we should according to soul agreements, karmic clearing, and frequency upgrades. Some symptoms that you might experience during the full moon that indicate you are shifting and healing are the following:
- Emotional – You may feel emotional or edgy. This is because things are being drawn to the surface to clear and as they are coming up trough the emotional layer of the aura, you are feeling the emotions attached to the experiences. This may trigger you emotionally and throw you off center. Remedy – Ground yourself by placing your hands on your legs and intending for all the energy to flow down to your feet and into the ground. This will help you process the energy you are clearing.
- Brain Cloud or Ungrounded – Many people are releasing old thought patters and beliefs that no longer fit their realities, so they feel a little scattered in their thoughts as things are being recategorized and reorganized in their brains. Remedy – Rest and keep grounding. Try your best to stay mentally focused during the day. Don’t hang on to any of the old thoughts. Just let them come up and clear out.
- Physical Aches & Pains – You may experience aches and pains in the physical body especially in the joints. When we are experiencing this is is because what we are clearing is deeply imprinted in our bodies (often connected to ideas we have held about ourselves or others) and we have attachment to what we are releasing, so we need pain to let us know what we are clearing. Remedy – When you feel the ache or pain, consciously choose to send the energy of love to this area to help it heal and let it clear.
- Specific Chakra Clearing – You may be clearing imprints and experiences from individual chakras such as soreness in your throat, digestive upset in the sacral, cramping or twisting in the solar plexus, ringing in the physical ears or spiritual ears, acute sensitivity with your senses such noise sensitivity, or visual sensitivity. These physical signs are letting you know of areas in your body and field where the energy is shifting. Remedy –Pay attention to these areas. Use your hand chakras in your palms to give these places extra energy, so you can process through the shifts in an efficient way.
- Fatigue – The energy of the moon at this time is very intense and as it weighs in on the Earth, you might feel more tired than usual. Remedy – Allow your physical body to rest during this time. If you need extra rest, take a nap.
- Environmental Heaviness – The energy in your home or office may feel heavy or thick to you kind of like you are walking into a space filled with invisible honey. Again, this is the energy of the full moon in full force, affecting the gravitational pull on the Earth. Remedy – Keep grounding and spending time each day doing a little healing to release what needs to go
- Our guides, dimensional parts of our soul, and the Divine are always working on our behalf to assist us in this life. They move us through shifts as needed according to soul agreements, karma, and frequency upgrades. This process is added by the full moon and Divine alignment. We can make it easier on ourselves by doing our best to stay present and aware without creating to resistance to what is happening. This will allow the shifts to occur with minimal physical symptoms and help is ground in our fields.