When people transition from physical form to spirit form, there are always loved ones and soul group members in spirit, who arrive to help cross them over. I discuss this this in my first book, Discovering the Medium Within and also in my second book, Discovering the Healer Within. Some of us may have seen this in our own personal lives, as a family member is getting ready to pass and they mention seeing loved ones that have left the Earth. On a human-level, we are not always prepared for these transitions of our loved ones but on a Divine-level, it is accounted for and there are souls assigned to help with this process. No one ever dies alone.
Currently, there are many people on the Earth dealing with the losses of loved ones through the Coronavirus pandemic. In addition to losing loved ones, they also have to cope with the emotional wounds of not being able to say final goodbyes and not being able to have any physical contact. It is heartbreaking for all those involved and we can assist them in their healing collectively by sending the energy of love.
In time, they will have their opportunities to connect with their loved ones through dream visits, signs, and telepathic communication. Everyone has the ability to communicate with his or her own loved ones in spirit; it is part of your spiritual tool set. Death is only that of the physical body; the soul is eternal and the connections to our loves ones are always there for us.
I know it is not easy for people to watch loved ones take their last breath and not be able to hold their hands and tell them that they are loved. For the family members on the Earth, you can say what you need to say through your thoughts to your loved ones; you can communicate beyond verbalization. Though you cannot be by them when they leave, there are souls of passed-on loved ones by their bedsides helping them. When you are ready, you will get the sign or symbol to know they are with you. When they cross over, you never lose them. They are changing form from physical to spirit and are always connected to you; that soul connection never dies.
Namaste and much love,