Over the next few months, we will see many changes on the planet. These changes are necessary for the longevity of this Earth. As things clear out and bubble to the collective surface in awareness, it is important to stay centered in the frequency of love at all times. If you find you are being emotionally triggered by events or experiences around you, center your emotions and take a look at why you are triggered. What in you needs to clear and heal, so you can remain in a place of love at all times? Choose to release all that isn’t love in your field! Remember, those who are not in the frequency of love have created distortions in their own fields based on their experiences. No matter what people present to us, under all of the distortions, they are love. As the collective awareness shifts, the planet returns to a predominately loving frequency.
People are awakening at their own rates and we are not to judge the processes of others. We are not aware of all the contracts they need to honor. We need to hold the frequency and honor the journeys of others. People awaken according to their own divine processes. You can aid others by staying centered and working on yourself, so that you are a clear conduit of Source energy at all times. If people focus on their own healing journeys, the collective shift will align. I am grateful that all of you signed on to be here at this time. It is a beautifully exciting transition. Thank you for the work you are doing to support the collective frequency.
#mission1122 #anysiamarcellkiel #shiftingthematrixwithlove #galacticfederationoflight #weareone #rememberyouarelove #planetaryhealing #allaboutlove