What Lessons Do Children Teach Us on Earth ?

lessons of children

When children pass, it grips us at our cores. It seems so unsettling that such young souls don’t have enough time to experience the magnificence of life of Earth. Every day, in all parts of the world, children leave the Earth and move on in spirit form. Though their circumstances involved in their passings may differ, children come to the Earth to teach us very specific lessons.

When souls incarnate and come to the Earth as babies, they’re pure unconditional love and total brilliant light sent directly from the Divine. We nurture and love them and in return they grow and develop. This is not always the case. When there is abuse of young children and they may leave the Earth as a result of this abuse, thus returning to heaven where their souls once again experience Divine unconditional love.

Sometimes the souls of children leave even if there is unconditional love on Earth. God may need those pure souls on the other side to help out. A month ago, in the United States, we experienced a tragedy in Newtown,Connecticut;  a young man opened fire in a school killing 26 people. Twenty of those deaths were of six and seven-year-old boys and girls. This tragedy stung so many hearts not only because it was a senseless act of dark energy but also because it involved the lives of young innocent children. As a mother, my heart goes out to all parents of anyone involved in this incident. But as a spiritual person, I’m deeply concerned because this dark act took away some of this light on Earth. Those children were perfect little illuminated beacons radiating joy, love, and happiness to all those around them. When their lights were extinguished, those around them were cast in darkness with the energy of sadness, grief, and anger. A wave of darkness covers everyone touched by this occurrence.

But if we think about those brave little souls and what they teach us, it is about being and bringing the light on Earth not walking the Earth in darkness. Of course we’re saddened by their losses but we need to step into the light and heal. We need to live life as they did–to live life to the fullest–finding delight in the simplest things. Take time to enjoy the sunshine or allow your eyes to follow that orange butterfly fluttering around the yard. Listen to the birds sings their sweet songs.

Children teach us to love unconditionally. They love us regardless of our social status, income, belief system, race, or religion. They love without boundaries and communicate their love in affection, words, songs, dances, and any other creative way they can think of. When we learn to be the light, live life to the fullest, and love unconditionally, we have learned the lessons of children. When children leave the Earth plane,  they leave behind a wake of sadness.  But we must be grateful for the experiences and the lessons the children bring. They live in the vibrations of light and love and are the closest energy to the Divine on Earth.

Love, Light, and Healing,


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