

Soul-Centered Healing Sessions Utilizing the Soul-Centered Healing Method™

Anysia is an author and  healing medium, which is a conduit for Source frequency.  She is the founder of the Soul-Centered Healing Method,™ which  assists people in healing themselves through the quantum field, by clearing karma and human imprints from the energy field, releasing imprints from the Akashic field, and aligning with the birth blueprint.  In addition, she integrates with those in spirit or energetic who are supporting client in a healing,  loving way during the session.  Read more about the Soul-Centered Healing Method™ and how it can help you.  Learn more about what to expect in a healing session with this specialized method. The session is 90 minutes, which includes 60 minutes of table time and 30 minutes of discussion time divided before and after the session.    

Price – $350.00 per 90 minute individual client session   To Schedule A Session – Click Here
(appointment times are set for weekdays, Wednesday and Thursday evenings during the week, and Saturdays and Sundays during the day.  There is a 1 (one) month wait for all new client sessions).

Energy Consultation

The energy consultation is designed to provide intuitive guidance and support for people working through energetic shifts. It entails a one hour face-to-face consultation where Anysia works with the spirit team of the client coupled with Source energy.  Some examples of consultations include:

  • Energy workers shifting the work in their practices
  •  Individuals seeking direction on their paths of development
  • People looking to know more about psychic abilities & shifting frequencies
  • Twin flames working towards their missions
  • Starseed souls navigating life on Earth
  • Individuals working on their own healing and wanting occasional guidance in the process.
  • People with questions about healing, energy, frequency, etc.

What to do to prepare for your consultation? 

Write down everything you want to discuss in your one-hour consultation.  Be sure to include all details that you want to cover.  Include all questions that you would like answered, during your consultation.

Price – $240.00 per 60 minute individual energy consultation   To Schedule A Consultation – Click Here

4 Week Energetic Alignment Program 

This 4 Week Energetic Alignment Program is designed for people who are working to shift their lives in a condensed time frame. It consists of 4 weekly, consecutive, 90 minute healing sessions. In addition, there are follow-up healing exercises assigned after each session and weekly email interactions to monitor progress. At the end of the 4 weeks, clients will be shifted to a new frequency and prepared for whatever life has in store for them.

The program is great for people experiencing life changes such as career transformations, shifts in relationship dynamics, moving to new geographic locations, and any other l major life  alterations that might be on the horizon.

Price – $1,000.00 for the 4 Week Program 

To purchase the 4 Week Energetic Alignment Program,  Click Here

*All 4 sessions must be completed within the 4 week time frame.


The Soul-Centered Healing Support Program is for clients who want additional support that extends beyond the 90 minute healing session. This program is designed for individuals delving deeper into their healing experiences and aligning with soul missions. There are two different program lengths based on the level of support required. Successes of all programs are contingent on the client commitments to follow the assigned customized plans. Below is a list of each program and highlights for each plan.

8 Week Plan – $1,200.00

  • 2 in-person or Skype individual one-hour healing sessions
  • 2 meetings 30 minutes in duration scheduled directly after each healing session. The first meeting is to discuss client goals. The second meeting is to make adjustments to the existing client plan.
  • Customized plan for achievement of client goals is emailed to client the day after the first session & meeting.
  • An updated customized plan is emailed to client after the second session & meeting.
  • One week after first client session & meeting, emailing begins. Anysia emails client once a week for the next 4 weeks to make sure goals are being met.
  • One week after second session & meeting, emailing continues. Anysia checks in once a week to make sure goals are being met for the next 4 weeks.

To Purchase The 8 Week Plan,  Click Here

12 Week Support Plan – $1,800.00

  • 3 in-person or Skype individual one-hour healing sessions
  • 3 meetings 30 minutes in duration scheduled directly after each healing session to discuss client goals
  • Customized plan for achievement of client goals is emailed to client one week after the first session & Updated versions of the plan are emailed to client after the 2nd and 3rd sessions & meetings.
  • One week after the first client session & meeting, emailing begins. Anysia emails client once a week for the next 4 weeks to make sure goals are being met.
  • One week after second session emailing continues. Anysia emails client once a week for the next 4 weeks to make sure goals are being met.
  • One week after the third session emailing begins, again. Anysia emails client once a week for the next 4 weeks to make sure goals are being met.

To Purchase The 12 Week Plan,  Click Here