Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit this site. Perhaps you were referred by someone on Earth or guided by someone in spirit or energetic form. I hope you find the information here helpful along your journey. When we share energy and knowledge with others, we shift the matrix or collective frequency. A universal goal is to have the inhabitants of Earth embody Divine love. In doing so, the Earth will vibrate in the energy of unconditional love. There is a direct correlation between the frequency of the planet and the collective energy of its inhabitants, also knows as Mission1122. I will do my part to clear energy and imprints through the Earth's elemental grids, while filling the Earth's grids with Divine unconditional love. I will do this same work with my clients helping them to remember how to utilize their energetic tools, which are innate to their souls. Once they are aligned with their birth blueprints, they are able to clear and release through the quantum field, anything in the way of preventing them from doing what they came to the Earth to do. As they align with their soul paths, they bring more unconditional love to the Earth and help support all living beings with that energy and hence, the Earth vibrates with more love. May you always be guided by Source frequency and filled with unconditional love and may you always remember who you are and why you are here.
Anysia Marcell Kiel, M.F.A.
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