For many of us, the full moon is a beautiful sight that illuminates the dark night. When it is at its peak, it can have energetic affects on people. The full moon pulls strongly on our fields and can make people feel ungrounded, mentally scattered, and emotional. It is actually a powerful tool for our healing, if we embrace what it offers.
The moon affects the gravitational pull or energetic field of the Earth. When the moon is full, the Earth’s overall field, comprised of all its energetic grids or energy fields of water, land, and air are altered because for a brief time, they shift and expand or open more. As this happens, there is more Divine energy that is flooded to the Earth through the opening of these grids. This flooding of energy affects things in the different grids. It is seen with the tides in the water grid. The full moon creates dramatic tidal shifts. Although it does not affect the timing cycle of the tides in the 12 hour shifts, it does affect the energy. The swells are larger than normal and often low tide during the full moon is exceptionally low.
Just as the moon affects the Earth’s grids and the things in those grids, it also affects the energetic field of humans. Many people feel dizzy or ungrounded during the full moon and they might not understand why they feel this way. As the moon floods Divine energy to the Earth, this new energy enters our fields through the crown chakra. Then it moves down the Hara line through our primary 7 chakra system. This influx of energy is a lot for our physical bodies and we may not be use to it, so we need some time to adjust to the new frequency. As our physical bodies are shifting frequencies, we feel ungrounded or slightly dizzy.
In addition to the ungrounded feeling we may also feel emotional or mentally scattered during this time. As the new Divine energy enters our fields, everything that is not in-line with that frequency gets pushed out to the auric layers for clearing. This includes old emotions, memories, and experiences. For some of us, as this stuff comes up, we get stuck in the old things coming to the surface and being brought to our conscious awareness. This is because we are hanging on to what is coming up. If we would just acknowledge that its old and no longer serves us, we could release it and move past the energy of it. It would clear the mental scattering and overly emotional responses quite quickly.
The moon is much more than a beautiful object to light up the night sky. It’s a power healing tool to help us clear what no longer serves us. The Universe always gives us what we need and we can all heal ourselves; we just need to utilize the tools available to us.
Anysia Marcell Kiel